Differences Between Language and Communication

Differences Between Language and Communication?

(Last Updated On: October 20, 2020)

Our world is diverse and unique, but so are our experiences. Every action we do in life leads to reactions. There will always be consequences of our actions. If you don’t say hello to a person on the street, they can’t say hello back. If you don’t strike a conversation with a classmate, you won’t begin a friendship that will last a lifetime. This is why it is important to take the necessary steps in life. However, it is also important to understand what each action can mean to others. We don’t always have to say hello to others to greet them, we can simply nod too, and that proves that there is more to communication than just a set of words.

What is Language?

Language is a method of human communication in which we use structured text to convey our message to others. Every vernacular on earth today has a unique system. They have different writing systems. Their uniqueness is due to many reasons. They have been influenced by culture and traditions. The languages of today were not the same a hundred years ago. The internet has also made it impossible for people not to keep on updating their vernaculars. Slang words have become quite common in every language.

Language is fascinating in itself, but it also has many branches. For instance, the vernacular spoken by healthcare professionals of a country will be unique and will only make sense to those with medical degrees. There are many unique features of a language that beautify it. We can use our vernaculars for communication in any way we want. Most of the time, we engage with people in a verbal conversation, but sometimes, the non-verbal method is also used. Humans also use gestures to convey their message to the other person. But even gestures are related to vernaculars in some way. They give each of our actions meaning.

What is Language
What is Communication

What is Communication?

Communication is a process in which a message is conveyed from one group to another by using signs, symbols, and languages that are understandable to both parties. Depending on the context you are talking about, communication can take on different shapes. In a personal setting, it is just about connecting with one’s friends and loved ones. But in a professional or official setting, it is important to have a communication method or the meeting will turn into chaos.

Common means of communication these days are telephones, smartphones, and the computer. But in order to convey messages to each other, people do need the help of language. Without it, they won’t be able to send anything across. In communication, there is always a sender and a receiver. The message is coded before it can be sent. Once it reaches its destination, it is decoded so it can be read by the receiver.

The Differences Between Language and Communication:

Although it may sound confusing, language and communication are not the same things. The two are closely related and can hardly function without each other, but they have plenty of differences. Here’s what makes them different from each other:

  1. Tool vs. Process:

Language is a tool that we use to convey our message to others. In other words, it is a tool for communication. We rely on it to express our feelings. It helps us in gaining confidence and broadens our minds. Communication, however, is a process in which there are steps that must be followed closely. The message transmission process relies heavily on language to get the point across. Without any structured words and sentences, it would not have made any progress in the world.

  1. Dynamic vs. Static:

The process of conveying information has remained the same, even after all this time. There is always a sender and always a receiver on the other end. All the advancement in technology has not changed the basic steps, which is why communication is considered static. On the other hand, language is constantly evolving. It is in a continuous state of change, which means it is dynamic.

  1. Priority:

In communication, it is the message that always gets the priority. It is not even the sender or receiver but the message itself. If it does not get delivered on time, then that will be a failure of communication. In language, however, the priority is always on signs and symbols, because culture plays an influential role here. Without the signs and symbols, we won’t have much in life, which is why they are given so much importance in language.

  1. Humans vs. Animals:

Only humans can use language to talk to each other. They are the ones who created a unique set of rules to establish languages. They speak their vernacular freely today and can even store data to keep various tongues safe. Communication is not limited to humans. We see it in animals every day. Almost all animals have a system that they use to communicate with each other. They have secret sounds that only they can understand. So, this proves that people can connect to each other easily, but the animals don’t need any language to accomplish that task.

It is important to understand how various cultures and their elements work together to make the lives of humans easier. But in order to understand that, we must also be ready to get rid of our misconceptions. Once we have gotten over them, we can begin to see more clearly and figure out the differences between various cultures and their traditions.

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